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Skincare tips for twenty-somethings

Skincare In Your 20s

Skincare tips for twenty-somethings

When you're in your 20s, embrace the way your skin looks without makeup—in all its supple glory—and vow to wage a war against Father Time, pronto. Even though cells are regenerating at top speed, it’s never too early to start thinking about the future. Wearing protective armor, such as sunscreen and eye cream, and adopting a healthy lifestyle are the first steps toward preserving a youthful appearance

Key Skin Care Concerns For 20 Year Olds

Active oil production gives skin its dewy glow, but also causes breakouts. Purify with a gentle facial cleanser and avoid potentially drying soaps or astringents (dehydration breeds fine lines and peeling pimples, which are difficult to conceal with makeup). Stop partying into the wee hours, smoking, sun tanning, and yo-yo dieting. The cumulative effects will show up later in life.
Daily Skin Care Maintenance For 20 Year Olds

Stop categorizing your complexion as oily, dry or combination because it’s always changing due to hormones, stress, even the weather. Think of your skin care as a wardrobe and assemble a few key products that cater to different moods and seasons. There are five steps to consider: Cleansing, exfoliating, toning, masking and moisturizing. Not all skin requires every step, but cleansing is a must and you’ll benefit from consistent use of a specialized night cream.
Sun Protection For 20 Years Olds

Wear sunscreen every day (this truth is assumed to be self-evident) and re-apply it every few hours to exposed skin, including your lips, nose, chest, tops of the ears, and back of the neck and hands. The best products contain zinc oxide and provide an SPF of 15 or more. If you’re worried about disrupting your makeup mid-day, opt for a sunscreen in powder or towelette form. Treat painful pimples with a homemade paste of crushed aspirin and healing Neosporin. The pills contain salicylic acid, a pore-cleansing ingredient found in most spot treatments. You can also tame breakouts by catching up on winks (never sleep in your makeup), drinking plenty of water with lemon, taking Vitamin C, and exercising. If you get the chance, sit in a steam room post-workout to draw out toxins and rev up microcirculation.


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